10-Day and 20-Day Options Available
RediFrame and RediFlex Quick Ship Program
RediFrame® and RediFlex® Quick Ship Program
7 Day Quick Ship:
Ships in 7 working days beginning the day after the order has been approved by the customer.
RediFrame, Kerf RediFrame, Kerf RediFlex and NonKerf RediFlex (3 sided frames only); standard colors only.
Maximum quantity of 20 frames and 50 sets of steel casing (Aluminum not available).
10 Day Quick Ship:
Ships in 10 working days beginning the day after the order has been approved by the customer.
RediFrame, Kerf RediFrame, Kerf RediFlex and NonKerf RediFlex (3 sided frames only); standard colors only.
Maximum quantity of 20 frames and 50 sets of steel casing (Aluminum not available).
Once your Quick Ship order has been submitted, no changes to the order can be made.
Any Quick Ship order requiring more than 20 frames, please contact Customer Service for options.